This article will guide you on how to create a new Dashboard in Prokuria.
The Dashboard functionality is designed to help you organize your workflow. Create a new dashboard to view all your reports and grids on a single page.
A user can share a Dashboard with other users from your account, edit the current Dashboard, or even create new ones.
Create a dashboard
1. Hover over the Dashboard in the top menu and click “+add dashboard”;
2. Complete “Name” (field mandatory) and add a description for the dashboard;
3. Click “Save”.
Manage dashboards
The Dashboard is split into two parts:
- Section: the section is a container where you can add widgets. The start of a section is marked with a blue line;
- Widgets: different components that can be added to a dashboard
Add Widget
- Click “+ add widget” or click the settings icon from the corner of the section;
- Complete the name field;
- Select the width;
- Chose a type: view or text
View Widget: you can view information from any other entity
Text Widget: add a text area that allows you to enter multiple lines
- Click “Save”.
Move around
To move around the section you need to click the settings icon in the right corner of the section and click “move up” or “move down”.
As for the widget, you have to click the 3 dots from the right corner of the widget and “move left” or “move right”.
Are you stuck somewhere? Don’t worry, we’re here for you. Drop us a mail at support@prokuria.com and we’ll get back to you.