Items Catalog

The Item Catalog is where all your items info is.

Search and Filter your items to quickly and easily maneuver through your catalog! 

To begin, first, click ‘Items’ on Top Menu. From here, you will be brought to the “Items catalog” page.

The item data

The item catalog data contains by default the following: 

  • Picture – you can add an image to your item for better visualization;
  • Category – in this column appears the categories;
  • Name – the item name is displayed;
  • External ID – you can add a unique ID;
  • Notes – notes help you with the specification of the item;
  • Status – this column shows the item status. The status can be: draft, active or inactive;
  • Item ID – is a unique code of the item generated by Prokuria;
  • Tags – is where the tags are displayed

At the top of your page, you will notice that there is a search bar prompting you to Search. Here, you can type in the name of the item. Simply type in the search term and press enter on your keyboard.


There is also the ability to add additional filters to each column using the Filter icon, allowing you to further refine your search. Filters can be applied to the following columns: category, status, and tags. 

To begin, click on the Filter icon next to a column. From here, a dropdown menu will appear. This is where you will select the criteria. Once you have added the filters that you would like to use, click OK. 


The columns that cannot be filtered can be sorted. To apply the sort function, click the column name. An arrow appears next to the name. If it is directed upwards, it means that sorting will be made in ascending order. If it is directed downwards, it means that the sorting will be in descending order.

Edit grid

To add other available columns to the list, all you have to do is click the “Edit Grid” icon.

Then check from the “Available fields” table the fields you want to add to the list.

To rearrange the columns, you can just simply click and drag it wherever you want. After you are happy with your setup just click the “Save view” button.

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