Items section for RFQ – Edit columns

The item section in an RFQ is the most important part of an RFQ. Is where you define what you want to order from your suppliers, and it contains all the information that suppliers need to bid on your request.

In this article, we will explain how to edit your template from the “Items” section in an RFQ event.

Edit columns

If you want to edit existing columns, the first thing you need to do is press the “Edit columns” button.

“Manage the columns you need for this event” page will open. From here you can choose and add new columns to your grid. If a column is not yet defined you can choose to add a new field. The page is divided into 2 sections: Available fields and Selected columns.

  • Available fields: all defined fields are displayed here. To show or hide a field in the items template, you have to find it in the “Available fields” section and enable/disable it from the “Use” column.
  • Selected columns: here are displayed the selected columns in “Available fields”. From here, the columns can be edited by clicking on the edit icon. Once you click the edit icon, the respective field details will expand and become editable.

Behavior in event – fields available:

  • Select what kind of values the field stores: Suppliers specific / Buyer generic. Buyer specific fields display the same values for all suppliers. Supplier specific fields are used when suppliers need to provide an answer (ie. “Price” field) or the buyer needs to calculate a value specific to each supplier.
  • Buyer can edit: If ticked, only the buyer can fill in the field;
  • Show to supplier: if ticked, the supplier can also view the field;
  • Supplier can edit: if ticked, this field will become editable for the supplier ;
  • Mandatory: if ticked, the field is mandatory;
  • Select which supplier can view this field: when creating a supplier-specific column, the default value “Show to all suppliers” will be displayed. However, you can select that only some of the suppliers (previously added to the sourcing event) to view this column.

Behavior in compare responses – fields available:

  • Show in compare: if enabled, the field will appear in “Compare Responses”;
  • Can edit in compare: if enabled, the field can be edited in “Compare Responses”;
  • Group Summary;
  • Total Summary

Note: The buyer can view all the fields added to the item template, .

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