Types of masks for numeric & date type of fields
In this article we will cover all the types of masks available in Prokuria for numeric and date fields.
Numeric type fields
When choosing a numeric field, to fit best your needs, you can add the following masks:
- 1234 will generate a simple number E.g: 4125
- 1,234 will generate a number with a thousand separator and no decimal E.g: 4,125
- 1,234.0 will generate a number with a thousand separators and 1 decimal E.g: 4,125.7
- 1,234.00 will generate a number with a thousand separators and 2 decimals E.g: 4,125.78
- 1,234.000 will generate a number with a thousand separators and 3 decimals E.g: 4,125.789
- 1,234.0000 will generate a number with a thousand separators and 4 decimals E.g: 4,125.7890
- 1,234.00000 will generate a number with a thousand separators and 5 decimals E.g: 4,125.78901
- 12 kg will generate a number with the kg unit at the end E.g: 412 kg
- 12.00 kg will generate a number with the kg unit at the end and 2 decimals E.g: 4125.78 kg
- 12% will generate a percentage number E.g: 41%
- 12.00% will generate a percentage number E.g: 41.25%
- 12.0000% will generate a percentage number E.g: 41.2578%
- € 1,234 will generate a number with a thousand separator and the euro symbol at the end E.g: 4,125
- € 1,234.00 will generate a number with a thousand separators, 2 decimals and the euro symbol at the end E.g: 4,125.78
- $ 1,234.00 will generate a number with a thousand separators, 2 decimals and the dollar symbol at the end E.g: 4,125.78
- £ 1,234.00 will generate a number with a thousand separators, 2 decimals and the sterling pound
- symbol at the end E.g: 4,125.78
Date type fields
When choosing a data field, to fit best your needs, you can add the following masks:
- 01/01/2022 – will generate the format dd/mm/yyyy. E.g: 23/09/2022
- 01/Jan/22 – will generate the format dd/mm/yy with the month named and the year with 2 digits. E.g 23/Sep/22
- 01/Jan/2022 – will generate the format dd/mm/yy with the month named and the year with 4 digits E.g: 23/Sep/2022
- 22/Jan/01 – will generate in the format yy/mm/dd with the month named and the year with 2 digits. E.g: 22/Sept/23
- 2022/Sep/01 – will generate in the format yyyy/mm/dd with the month named and the year with 4 digits E.g: 2022/Sep/23
Date and time fields
In order to select the date and the time in a field you have to use the “Date time” type of field with the one of the following masks.
01/Jan/2022 18:30 – dd/mmm/yyyy format
01/Jan/2022 6:30 PM – dd/mmm/yyyy format
22/Jan/01 6:30 PM – yy/mmm/dd format
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