Messages overview
The Message is the line of communication between the Sourcing Manager(s) and the suppliers at any given event. You can send messages to suppliers, and suppliers can send questions to you.
To begin, first, click “Messages” on Top Menu. From here, you will be brought to the “Messages list” page.

The Messages page contains the following columns:
- Entity type: the type of entity from which the message was sent. These entities can be: PO or Event (RFQ, RFI, Reverse auction, etc);
- Subject: The subject of the message;
- Supplier: the name of the supplier you are messaging with;
- Event: The name of the event in which a message was sent;
- Project name: The name of the project in which the event for which the message was created is located;
- Created on: In this column appears the date when the message was created;
- Message ID: Is a unique code of the queries generated by the platform;
- Type: This column shows the message type. The type can be: clarification, tech support;
- Status: This column shows the message status. The status can be: open, closed;
- Owner: Name of the person who created the message;
- Modified on: the date of the last modification.
At the top of your page, you will notice that there is a search bar prompting you to Search. Here, you can type in the name of the Event or Subject of the Message. Simply type in the search term.

There is also the option of adding extra filters to each column using the Filter icon, allowing you to further refine your search. Filters can be applied to all columns in the list.
To begin, click on the Filter icon next to the name of the column. From here, a dropdown menu will appear. This is where you will select the criteria. Once you have pulled in the filters that you would like to use, click OK.

All columns can be sorted. To apply the sort function, click the column name. An arrow appears next to the name. If it is directed upwards, it means that sorting will be made in ascending order. If it is directed downwards, it means that the sorting will be in descending order.

Messages can be grouped by project, type, owner, and status. To begin, click on “No grouping”. From here, a dropdown menu will appear. You can select the criteria. Once you have a choice, the messages will be grouped.

Are you stuck somewhere? Don’t worry, we’re here for you. Drop us a mail at and we’ll get back to you.