Sending Messages to Suppliers
The Message Center is the home for communicating with suppliers: a place where questions can be submitted by suppliers and answers (or other messages) can be shared by the Sourcing team.
Do you want to notify your Suppliers of updated deadlines or submission requirements?
This article will cover how the Message Center allows you to send a mass message to all Suppliers at an Event.
Sending Messages to Suppliers
There are some simple steps for sending a message to your Suppliers.
1. Go to your Events/PO page;
2. Click “Message center” button;
3. Message list page appears;
4. Click the “+add” button.
5. A new modal appears where you will be able to create a message, attach any necessary documents, choose the type, and send a message out to your suppliers.
All in a few simple clicks!
After the message has been sent, for changes, you can click on the Subject of the message and the page with all the details of the message will open.
You can change the status of the message, and the type or you can assign another user.
On this page, you can leave direct comments to another user from the Comments section.
After the event has ended, you can send a message from Compare responses.
From “Compare responses”, you can award suppliers and after that send a message. For this, you can click on the message icon, where you can write the subject and message.
Once all the information has been written, the message can be sent to the supplier.
The Message Center essentially eliminates the need for communicating with suppliers via email because you can:
- Answer a supplier’s question directly OR share the answer with all suppliers
- Send messages to all suppliers
- Upload attachments to your answers and/or messages to suppliers
When you submit a question via the Message Center, you can:
- Assign the question to a certain person from your team
- Classify the query to better organize who is responsible to answer and track it
- Once you consider you answered the supplier change the status from open to close
Once you changed the status to “closed”, you can no longer reply to the supplier.
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