Monitor Suppliers’ Responses and end the Reverse Auction_New interface

Once the auction is published, a new column “Status” will appear in the Suppliers section, and next to this column, the date and time of the supplier’s last action will be displayed.

The “View” button next to each supplier opens a page with complete information regarding their most recent offer.

Furthermore, Prokuria will notify the buyer via email each time a supplier switches response statuses.

After the event is published, a new button labeled “Compare responses” will be displayed.

The “Compare Responses” button opens up a new page with real-time information tracking, containing a log of all the bids made, a side-by-side bid comparison of the most recent ones from each attending supplier as well as a comprehensive bid chart.

Real-time bids

Compare bids

Bids chart

Closing the Auction and Selecting one or more winners

When the deadline for receiving the bids is reached, a reverse auction automatically passes into the ‘Ended’ status. Suppliers are notified about it via email and they can no longer send new bids. In lieu of this, Prokuria sends a notification to them, 24 hours before the deadline of the event in order to give them a reminder and enough time to place their final offers. The user can compare the aforementioned answers in detail and can mark the first option. This option is visible strictly to the user; the suppliers are not notified and cannot see the user’s choices in any way. Having selected one or more winners, the buyer can now go on and close the event.

Selected & Unselected supplier

When the event is in “Ended” status, you can select the winning and the non-winning suppliers.

From “Compare responses”, the buyer can send messages to suppliers.

The event can be closed by clicking the “Close event” button on the Buyer’s page. Once this button is pressed, no winning suppliers can be selected.

The event can be reopened from the same location by pressing the “Reopen event” button.

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