Publish Reverse Auction_New interface

Once all the required fields have been completed, the auction can be published to the suppliers by clicking on the “Publish event” button. 

The event thus goes into the “Published” status and the suppliers receive an email inviting them to participate.

When the event is in the “Published” status, all sections are disabled except for the Suppliers section, where new suppliers can be added to the auction.

All sections can be edited when the event is paused by clicking the “Pause” button: General info, Settings, Suppliers, Items

When the event is in the “Started” status, all sections are disabled and cannot be edited.
Only the specified sections can be edited when the event is paused by clicking the “Pause” button:

Settings section: End date, Budget, Cost center, Show best bid to suppliers, and Show rank to suppliers.

Suppliers section: new suppliers can be added to the event.

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