Saving & managing your own reports
Creating Saved Reports in Prokuria will allow you to build and save Reports so that each time you need to pull Reports you can log in to Prokuria and you can easily view your desired Report without having to re-build it each time.
1. To create a Saved Report, select all of the columns as well as any applied Filters you would like to be reflected in your Report and then click the “Save current report” button.

2. A modal will open you up. Enter a Report name and then click “Save”.

3. To change the report name, you can click the three dots at the top right of the page and then click the “Manage report” button.

4. In the “Manage reports” page, you can edit the name or delete the saved report.

5. When you log into Prokuria next time and go to your Reports page, you can click Select Report and all reports will be displayed in a drop-down menu.

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