Auction Notifications Guide

Email notifications serve as great reminders and alert Sourcing Teams about things happening in Prokuria. When creating and running Auctions, email notifications will alert both Sourcing Teams and/or Suppliers when auctions are scheduled & live, when suppliers have received bids and when auctions have ended.

Below we’ve outlined what Prokuria users (Company Admin, Sourcing Manager Stakeholders & Suppliers) will expect to see when email alerts are sent or received for each scenario listed in our guide.

Notification DescriptionRecipient
Auction is publishSupplier
Invitation to collaborate on an AuctionSupplier
The invitation was accepted Owner of the Auction
The invitation was rejectedOwner
The supplier was removed from an AuctionSupplier
 The end time has been changed for an AuctionSupplier
The auction is endedSupplier
The auction was canceledSupplier
Reminder email for auction that will start in 24hSupplier
The start time has been changed for the AuctionSupplier
Auction has startedSupplier
New supplier messages were allocated to youOwner 
A user mentioned in an internal messageOwner 
 The supplier sent you a message related to an AuctionOwner 
The sourcing manager sent you a message related to an AuctionSupplier

In addition to the notifications above, you can define your own email notification. Feature available under the premium plan.