Create Reverse Auction At Item Level (UM)
Like any event, the reverse auction is created as part of the Event page using the “Create event” button in the upper-right area.
Add event modal appears. You must add the project where you want the event to be created. Then click “Save”.
Each auction in Prokuria contains 4 sections: General Information, Suppliers, Documents, and Items.
Section 1: General Information
- “Owner”- the email address of the user.
- “Name”- the name of the event (up to 200 characters can be entered).
- “ID”- a unique id is automatically generated.
- “Description”- a description of the event (you can enter text, up to 5000 characters).
- “Currency”- the desired currency of the event.
- “Cost center”- the event’s cost center
Advanced settings
The settings to turn a simple reverse auction into an item-level auction are in Advanced Settings. Here are the following options:
- Show best bid to suppliers – if checked, all participating suppliers will see the value of the best bid you received. However, they will not know the name of the supplier with the best bid.
- Show rank to suppliers – If checked, the supplier can see its position versus other participants.
- Auction at each item level – If checked line bid will be enabled. The suppliers can submit bids for each of the items.
- Minim step & starting price/total – If checked, the minimum step and starting price apply per total.
- Minim step & starting price/UM – If checked, the minimum step and starting price apply per unit of measurement and do not apply to the total.
2. Section 2: Suppliers
“Insert Supplier’s email”- you manually enter the email addresses of the suppliers who are invited to the event. They can be new or existing suppliers within the supplier directory module.
“Email language”- the language in which emails are sent to the suppliers is selected.
“Add category”- whole groups of suppliers can be introduced if they have been previously assigned to them in the supplier module
Section 3: Documents
“Add new document”- descriptive files for the event can be added. They may be images, charts, tables, or other additional information required for supplier response (the maximum file size is 8MB).
“Add link”- a feature used for hosting files larger than 8 MB.
Section 4: Items
- “Add new item”- a new item is added to the list of products/services listed for the reverse.
- “Group by category”- groups the articles according to their category.
- “Import Items”- opens a window from which the user can download a template file that he can complete and upload within the system in order to perform a bulk upload.
- “ID”- unique identifier generated by the system.
- “Category”- item’s category.
- “Name”- the name of the article (200 is the character limit).
- “Description”- article description.
- “Unit”- the unit of measure (200 is the character limit).
- “Quantity”- you can enter numbers up to 10 characters.
- Starting price/um – minimum value accepted at item level (per unit of measure). Suppliers will not be able to place a quote higher than the starting price for the respective item.
- Minimum step/um– the minimum difference with which a new bid at the item level of the same supplier must be smaller than its previous bid for that item.
- “Budget”- the budget allocated for the acquisition.
If you want an item not to be conditioned by a starting price, all you have to do is fill in the “Starting price/um” field with the value “0”.
If you want an item not to be conditioned by a minimum step, all you have to do is fill in the “Minimum step/um” field with the value “0”.
Publish Reverse Auction At Item Level (UM)
Once all the required fields have been completed, the auction can be published to the suppliers by clicking on the ‘PUBLISH AUCTION’ button.
The event thus goes into the ‘Active’ status and the suppliers receive an email inviting them to participate.
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