Publish Reverse Auction

Once all the required fields have been completed, the auction can be published to the suppliers by clicking on the ‘PUBLISH AUCTION’ button. 

The event thus goes into the ‘Active’ status and the suppliers receive an email inviting them to participate.

Within it is a link to a private page where they can provide their bids which can be sent and/or modified until the event deadline expires.

When an auction is in the “Active” status, the following elements become active in the interface:

“Cancel” button – cancels the event. 

“Start date” – The start date of the auction can be modified. Cannot be set to the past. 

“End date”- The end date of the auction can be modified. Cannot be set to the past.

“Add Suppliers”-  can be added even if the event is in Active status.

“Add Category”- you can add a whole group of suppliers assigned to a category to which invitations to event will be sent.

“Remove Suppliers” – they can be removed from the Suppliers Tab 

“Group Items” checkbox – group articles by their categories

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