Adding a new supplier to Supplier Directory

Creating new a supplier is easier than ever with Prokuria. Suppliers Module creates increased functionality for you and your team. 

To begin, first, click ‘Suppliers’ on Top Menu and then click “Supplier directory” from the dropdown menu. 

From here, you will be brought to the “Supplier Directory” page. Click the “Add supplier” button.

The supplier page opens, and it contains 8 sections:

1. Summary 

2. Internal info 

3. Contacts 

4. Responses

5. Contracts

6. Scorecard

7. Attachments


1. Summary

In this section, click “edit” and fill in the general data of the supplier (Legal name, Tax ID, Address, Country, Website, Phone, and Notes). 

The mandatory field is “Name”. 

2. Internal info

This section is dedicated to internal supplier information. 

Click “edit” to start filling in and please notice that there are 6 fields in this section. 

  • Status – notice that the options are: active, inactive, and draft
  • Category – This field is defined in Company Settings;
  • Segment – This field is defined in Company Settings;
  • Risk – This field is defined in Company Settings;
  • Tags – This field is defined in Company Settings;
  • External ID; 
  • Owner – This field is filled in automatically when a new supplier is created. You can also change the owner with another user;
  • Last update by – this field is filled in automatically when a new supplier is created. You cannot change the information in the field. It is inactive;
  • Last update on – this field is filled in automatically when a new supplier is created. You cannot change the information in the field. It is inactive.

3. Contact

This is the section where you can add a contact person or multiple contacts for this supplier.

Click “+ add contact” and a new page will open for this contact.  You have available the following details to fill in: Name, Position, Email, Opted out, Language, Phone, Status, Supplier, and Notes. 

The mandatory fields to be filled in are Email, Language, and Status.

4. Responses

In this section, you can see the all responses from a specific Supplier. You can see the event in which he participated and the status.

5. Contracts

Once you sign a contract with a supplier, it will appear in this section of the supplier’s profile. You can then click on the row containing the contract you are interested by and a page containing its summary will appear. 

6. Scorecards

In this section, you can grade suppliers based on the pre-defined fields. Fill in the “Score” column by entering a valid number in each cell, reflecting the number of points awarded for given criteria.  

A final score for the supplier will be calculated based on the weight each criterion holds. The score can be exported and saved as an Excel file. 

7. Attachments

Here you can attach documents about the supplier or additional documents


In this section, you can leave comments regarding the supplier or other details.

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