Add a field

Every form needs to have fields and not all users want to have the fields that Prokuria came once you created an account. In this article, we will show you how does the fields work.

You can access the “Edit page design” by selecting a record from the main grid of the entity and by clicking the 3 dots from the right corner of the page.

Go to the “Sections & Fields” tab at the “Fields” section and click “+ add field”.

A new modal appears where you have to fill in the fields and check the boxes that will help your needs.

  • Field name: to get started, add the name of the new field; 
  • “Active/Can be used”: this box is checked automatically. This must be checked so that the new field can be used.
  • Check to use for import & bulk edit: this box is checked automatically. This must be checked so that the new field can appear in exports/imports and in bulk edit;
  • Field is mandatory: if you check this box, the field becomes mandatory;
  • Field type: you can choose the field type (eg: single line, multi-line, select, number, etc.);
  • Default value: you can choose a default value to appear in the form of the created field;
  • Description: a description of the field that can be viewed in the form;
  • Placeholder: you can write a field guide;
  • Section: select the section of which the field will be part;
  • In form sort order: this sets the order in which you want the created field to appear in the selected section;
  • Width: you can set the width of the field;
  • Left and Right padding;
  • Visible internal form: if you check this box, the created field will be visible in the internal form;
  • Visible on public form: if you check this box, the created field will be visible in the public form.
  • Field is read-only on internal/public form: if checked, your custom field wont be editable;
  • Background internal/public form: here you can change the color of the field;

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