Create custom entity – overview

The Entity designer allows you to edit or add new custom entities.

A custom entity is a collection of fields that will be used for creating a new record.

In Prokuria a custom entity and the collection of fields belonging to that custom entity can be displayed in 2 major ways:

  • a form: internal form and/ or a public form – is the page where you access or create a new record
  • grid page and/or subgrid on a parent entity – is the grid where you can see all the records of the specific entity  

How does it work:

  1. Create the custom entity and configure the main settings;
  2. Create the fields that the custom entity needs to have;
  3. In order to display the field on the internal or public form, you need to create sections and assign the fields under the respective section;
  4. The form will display the form in the order of the section in the form and then based on the order of the fields inside the section;
  5. You can decide if you need to create a public form for the respective custom entity. The public form will allow anybody that can access the public link to create records by accessing the link of the public form and submitting the form. 
  6. For each field you can configure different things like if is visible on the internal field, public form, in grid, the width in the form and in the grid, what type of field is, etc

For example, setting up a simple new supplier registration form for your business example discussed previously: 

  1. create a new custom entity: Supplier registration form
  2. create the fields you need – for example:
    • company name, field type “single line” 
    • company address, field type “single line”  
    • products offered – field type “dropdown single-select”, Options: Furniture, Construction, Electic Services
    • contact person – field type “single line”
    • contact person email – field type “single line” 
  3. Activate the public form
  4. Fill in the design elements like Header and Footer

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