Custom entities – overview
A custom entity is a collection of fields that will be used for creating a new record.
In Prokuria a custom entity and the collection of fields belonging to that custom entity can be displayed in 2 major ways:
- a form: internal form and/ or a public form – is the page where you access or create a new record
- grid page and/or subgrid on a parent entity – is the grid where you can see all the records of the specific entity
Components of a form
1. Fields – are organized in sections. Every form needs to have fields and not all users want to have the fields that Prokuria came once you created an account.
2. Subgrids – are organized in sections. If you want to display the details of another entity you can use a subgrid to display a list of related or unrelated records.
3. Widgets – there are 2 types of widgets: attachments and comments.
Adding attachments and commenting internally are excellent tools to keep all your important information in a single centralized place, but more than that directly where you need it, in the supplier, event, or any other entity page.
As an example, the print screen below has:
- 4 sections: Section 1: Request details, Section 2: Procurement, Items and Approvals.
- Sections 1 and 2 have different types of fields in them: Single line text, drop-down, date, etc.
- The sections Items and Approvals are subgrids of different entities based on your needs.
- And Attachments and Comments are internal widgets enabled in the App designer to help you communicate more efficiently with your team.

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