Supplier portal
Every procurement department works with suppliers who want to update their information, view their purchase history, or track their payments. With Prokuria Supplier Portal, organizations can streamline their procurement processes while enhancing the supplier experience.
This article is a guide for everything you need to know about the Supplier Portal.
One time password
Once your supplier accesses the portal, via the link received from the procurement team, he will have to just fill in his email address and click the send code button.

If the contact from that supplier is registered on the Prokuria platform, the system will send an email code for him to enter on the platform.

The top bar of the page
Here we have the logo and the name of the buyer’s company, and the name, picture, and position of the person from the procurement team.
The messages button will help the supplier and the buyer to communicate and have everything in one place.

On the right side of the top bar, we have the name, position, and supplier’s company.

The portal forms
In the portal, the supplier will see all the public forms the buyer had set for him. There can be read-only forms, like “tasks” and “Purchase order” or there can be editable forms like “Certification”, where the supplier can add, edit, or both one of the records displayed in that sub-grid.

Keep in mind: All the forms displayed in this article are fully customizable and can be changed based on the company’s needs. |
At the bottom of the page, there is a Responses section that will display all the procurement types of events to which the supplier was invited.
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